LMD RichPack is a collection of 18 native VCL components that can be compiled into your application royalty free. The package contains several controls which are based on MS RichEdit DLL (including support for version 3) and which allows integration of text editors providing predefined dialogs (like Preview dialog with Zoom features) and hypertext functionality.
For recent Delphi releases LMD VCL package support same platforms as the VCL which is included in the IDE (e.g. Delphi 2009 officially supports Win2k or better only)
Tab "LMD Rich" |
TLMDDBRichEdit RichText Edit component for editing formatted text stored in a database. |
TLMDDBRichLabel Datasensitive version of the RichLabel component. Store any RichText in a database and display it using this component. |
TLMDRichHyperTextStorage The TLMDHypertTextStorage component is used to store RichText items including hypertext information. Can be linked to RichLabel and -Edit controls. |
TLMDRichScrollText Allows display of scrolling (formatted) text. |
TLMDRichScrollBox Use this component to display larger RichText items which extend dimension of the component. |
TLMDRichSyntaxEdit Extended RichText edit control. Use this component for adding simple a RichText editing feature to your apps - including simple syntax highlighting features. |
TLMDRichPageSetupDialog Nonvisual component for displaying the standard Windows PageSetup dialog. |
TLMDRichFontComboBox Special combobox for selecting a font from a listbox. Displays all available or a special subset of the fonts on the current system. |
TLMDRichFontSizeComboBox When connected to a TLMDFontComboBox component, this control displays available font sizes for the current selected font and allows selection of font sizes for current active RichEdit control. |
TLMDDBRichScrollText Datasensitive version of TLMDRichScrollText. |
TLMDDBRichScrollBox Datasensitive version of TLMDRichScrollBox. |
TLMDDBSyntaxEdit Datasensitive version of TLMDSyntaxEdit. |
TLMDRichStorage Storage component for RichText snippets. This component allows to share text snippets among several LMD RichText controls - saving time and diskspace. In addition hyperlinks between different text snippets are automatically detected. |
TLMDRichEdit Extended RichText edit control. Use this component to add RichText editing feature to your apps - including hyperlinks, bitmaps, image support etc.... |
TLMDRichInsertCharMapDialog Nonvisual control which provides at runtime a ready to use charmap dialog as know from wordprocessors like Word. If TLMDRichEdit control is connected, insertion of user selection will be performed automatically. |
TLMDRichInsertDateTimeDialog Nonvisual control which provides at runtime a ready to use "Insert Date&Time dialog" as know from wordprocessors like WordPad. If TLMDRichEdit control is connected, insertion of user selection will be performed automatically. |
TLMDRichLabel Displays RTF text in a very fast and resource saving label - text can not be edited at runtime, but hyperlinks are supported. |
TLMDRichEditPrintTask This component allows to connect directly to a TLMDRichEdit component to fetch and print its contents. |