- ElImageList - enhancement of TImageList;
- ElHook - using it you can intercept any messages, that go to the control's message queue;
- ElVersionInfo - access version information of the executable file (EXE, DLL, OCX, DPL);
- ElTimerPool - pool of timers. Create as much timers as you like without using additional system resources;
- ElOneInstance - lets only one instance of the application run. Passes the parameters from the second instance to the first instance;
- ElPowerManager - this coponent lets your application be notified about power events (suspend/resume/hibernate);
- ElClipboardMonitor - use this component when you need to be notified about change of system Clipboard contents
| ElImageList |
ElImageList replaces ImageList's save and restore methods, using RLE compression. When you use standard image list, you are likely to have problems with ComCtl32.dll version conflicts. ElImageList avoids such conflicts, and also saves space by using RLE compression. Compression reduces the size of the image list by 60-90%.
| ElHook |
ElHook is a component that allows tyou to spy and/or process Windows messages before or after they get to the control. This is the easiest way to gain the control over your components, whose behavior is to be changed.
| ElVersionInfo |
ElVersionInfo component is a component to access VersionInfo resource in executable files. It can access information from any executable file or from current module if no file is specified.
| ElTimerPool |
ElTimerPool is a component used to add any number of timers to the application, without overloading system with timers. One high-frequency system timer is used to update all timers. Use of this timer ensures, that no timer events will be missed.
| ElOneInstance |
ElOneInstance component allows your program to be run only once. When the second instance of the program is started you can define an action, or just switch to the first instance. ElOneInstance has the unique feature: the parameters of the second instance are passed to the first instance. ElOneInstance correctly works under Win2002, preventing two instances, started under different user accounts.
| ElPowerManager |
ElPowerManager component tracks notifications from operating system about changes of power status and lets your application respond to hibernate, suspend and resume operations.
| ElPowerManager |
ElClipboardMonitor receives notification when system Clipboard contents change and then fires an event. The application can also use this component to query the data format and access the data as a string.
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