As described, LMD ElPack provides complete Unicode support for your Delphi, C++Builder and Kylix application. However there are several things to remember:
not all Windows fonts are Unicode. Especially this is true for MS Sans Serif, used in Delphi forms by default. So you need to change all your forms to use either "MS Shell Dlg" (there is no such font in system and Windows will translate it to suitable Unicode font) or "Arial Unicode MS" (however this font is not free and is shipped only with MS Office). There are several unicode fonts available for licensing, so you can consider purchasing a license for your application.
having Unicode hints, menus or form captions requires special LMD ElPack components to be used. Please see more in description of Unicode support
IDE and streaming system of VCL were not originally designed to support Unicode. Design-time editors in object inspector don't support unicode correctly (at least in versions prior to Delphi 7). This means that you need to set all Unicode properties of LMD ElPack controls in run-time. This is not a big problem as you can put them into resourcestrings or separate files. This will also make localization easier.
If your application works mostly with ANSI data, it makes sense to avoid ANSI-Unicode conversions by turning off Unicode. This can be done via conditional define in source code. If you plan to use Unicode to display your data, it is better to start converting all your data management to Unicode. Sooner or later this will be necessary anyway.
HTML rendering engine in LMD ElPack doesn't support RTL text layout.