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Component overview

TLMDAssist This panel like control allows fast creation of Windows 95 like "assistants" or "wizards". Automatic navigation within multiple pages (as many as you want), buttons with additional properties (e.g. different captions or hints for multilingial applications) and several custom properties are supported.
TLMDTrackBar Extended slider control supporting userdefinable display and thumb (can be linked to an Image- or BitmapList). In addition several extended properties (e.g. various settings for tickmarks) and features (e.g. mousewheel support) were added. Transparent display (when placed on TLMDBackPanel or TLMDGroupBox) possible.
TLMDStatusBar TLMDStatusBar is a specialized panel component for displaying status information and provides special support for several LMDLabel components with bevel property (to achieve a Windows40-look).
TLMDFormDisplay This small but very useful component displays forms like a panel within the component. This is not only useful for faster loading of forms but also much more resource friendly than e.g. using a TNotebook. Besides forms are much easier reusable in other projects than pages of a TNoteBook or similar component.
TLMD2PaneSplitCtrl This professional splitter component allows easy access to all properties of single panes (e.g. Color and Autoscroll-feature) or the splitterbar (e.g. color, width etc.). Unlike other available splitter components this one support panes and splitter-bars in one component (up to 4 different panes and up to 3 movable bars).
TLMD3PaneSplitCtrl Like TLMD2PaneSplitCtrl, but three panes and two movable splitter bars are available.
TLMD4Pane2SplitCtrl Like TLMD3PaneSplitCtrl, but three panes and two movable splitter bars are available.
TLMD4Pane3SplitCtrl Like TLMD2PaneSplitCtrl, but 4 panes are divided up by 3 movable splitter bars (thus every pane can have any size).
TLMDLEDLabel Represents text and numbers like an LED-display. Unlike other components the size and colors of single LED's are fully customizable. Besides a full bevel object and transparent property are supported.
TLMDLabelFill Extended label control. Use this component to paint any bitmap-texture or a gradient on the letters of the caption. As a descendant of TLMDLabel, it is of course also featured with additional texteffects (3D, rotation, tracing, free positioning, multiline text). Can be linked to a TLMDBitmap- or TLMDImageList component.
TLMDGraphicLabel The TLMDGraphicLabel has been designed for implementing some special effects to your applications. Besides the features of TLMDLabelFill additional shadow, perspective and transform (e.g. think of "WordArt") effects were added.
TLMDFill A component for filling an area and surrounding it with a bevel without using too much resources. You can choose a gradient, any bitmap with attributes like tile, stretch and center or any brush style.
TLMDPanelFill Like TLMDFill but also usable as container. Beyond that, all important properties of labels with the LMD-Tools alike 3D- and rotation-effects are included.
TLMDShadowFill Fill areas with a shadow- or semitransparent effect (e.g. to darken or lighten certain regions).
TLMDProgressFill Like TLMDProgress. Adds additional Fillobject for progress bars painted with textures/gradient fills or any brushstyle. Not as fast as TLMDProgress but much cooler!
TLMDLImage Extended Image component. Distinctly improved speed (on drawing transparent) and providing new display modes (e. g. stretching or compressing retaining the original ratio). Contains full featured bevel object. Must be linked to TLMDBitmap- or TLMDImageList (so the component never holds a bitmap itself).
TLMDNImage Extended Image component. Distinctly improved speed (on drawing transparent) and providing new display modes (e. g. stretching or compressing retaining the original ratio). Contains full featured bevel object. In addition several TLMDNImage components can share same bitmap for saving graphical resources
TLMDAniCtrl Improved animation component. Display of images or image series is controlled by a linked ImageList. Supports several new modes including fast and flickerfree transparent display of moving animations (when placed on TLMDBackPanel or TLMDGroupBox)!.
TLMDScrollText The TLMDScrollText component allows display of scrolling text (horizontal or vertical). Supports transparent display as well as several font- and 3D-effects and a full featured bevel object.
TLMDTechnicalLine The TLMDTechnicalLine component allows fast display of several common used line types. E.g. the start and end sign are fully customizable (comb, diamond, open or closed arrow, roundrect, rectangle and more). In addtion the component supports several shadow and bevel properties.
TLMDClock Easily incorporate an analog or digital clock into your application. The clock is similar to the Window's CLOCK.EXE but more powerful. Supports time measurement, countdown or alarm functions.
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