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Component overview

The "Free" tab contains components of minor importance or components we don't want to support in future releases. In addition you'll find here several LMD-Tools 1.X compatability components (which you should not use for new projects). From probably version 4.X we'll publish most of these components as freeware.
TLMDPanel Extended panel which supports free text-rotation, 3D-Effects, bevel, extended alignment features and filling options like TLMDTile component. Functionality of this component is provided (according to the corresponding task) by TLMDSimplePanel, TLMDBackPanel or TLMDPanelFill.
TLMDTile All features of TLMDSpeedButton. In addition 8 predefined glyphs (e.g. ellipsis, select directory, select font etc.) are provided and the button is "dockable" to other TWinControl descendants (e.g. TEdit - movement and size changes affect both controls at design- and runtime).
TLMDAniPicClip Encapsulates animatiosn in your .EXE as form data. Serves as container for TLMDAniImage. Functionality of this component is provided by TLMDImageList or TLMDBitmapList component.
TLMDPicClip Encapsulates images in your .EXE as form data and thus makes working with images much more easily. Functionality of this component is provided by TLMDImageList or TLMDBitmapList component.
TLMDImage Extended TImage-component, e. g. with several transparent display-modes. Functionality of this component is provided by TLMDLImage or TLMDNImage.
TLMDAniImage The TLMDaniImage component allows display of animations consisting of bitmaps. Many different settings like transparent display are possible. Functionality of this component is provided by TLMDAniCtrl.
TLMDMeter Appealing process-display that supports five modes, e. g. display of gradient fills or bitmap textures. Functionality of this component is provided by TLMDProgress or TLMDProgressFill.
TLMDApp Specify properties or event-handlers of global Application at design time instead of runtime. Functionality of this component is provided by TLMDApplicationCtrl.
TLMDFile A handy control that offers properties to allow manipulating a single file easily (e.g. copy, move, create, retrieve attributes, etc.).
TLMDStrList Useful and small component to save strings as form-data at designtime. Functionality of this component is provided by TLMDStringList.
TLMDScreenCanvas The TLMDScreenCanvas component allows you to paint on your desktop using ordinaray TCanvas methods. With its help you can also create a snapshot of the screen before painting on it.
TLMDScreenSaver With its help the creation of a screensaver is child's play! Place the component on a form - and the 'Blank-Screen'-screensaver is ready for your further modifications.
TLMDJoyStick Allows simple access to connected joystick(s). Includes function for calibration of joysticks.
TLMDLight The TLMDLight component displays boolean-statesin a simple but very fast way.
TLMDRuler Display of horizontal or vertical rulers. Measuring between two points is supported.
TLMDSwitch A switch for defining boolean-states. Many properties for changing display modes (color, caption, 3D-effects and more) are available.
TLMDDBLight Like TLMDLight, can be connected to a TDataSource.
TLMDDBSwitch Like TLMDSwitch, can be connected to a TDataSource.
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