Screenshots (2)
The screenshots below demonstrate the transparency feature which is supported by many LMD-Tools controls. Along with the new TLMDBackFx object stunning user interfaces are now possible, which were known from multimedia applications only before.
Figure A: TLMDButtonBar

The screenshot below demonstrates various design features of TLMDButtonBar. In this example a ButtonBar with a.) background transparency, b.) background and section button transparency and c.) alphablending effect with background is shown.
Figure B: New LMD ListBoxes

List- and Comboxes for font and color selection are available, which allow design of standard dialogs with transparency and multimedia features.
Figure C: New DataEntry and DBControls

Data entry controls like TLMDMaskEdit, TLMDDBMaskEdit or TLMDDBMemo are available. Data Entry Forms like above can be easily created in record time with LMD-Tools controls.
Figures D - G: Effects of new TLMDBitmapEffect object

Use alphablending effects to melt one bitmap with the background (the degree of this operation is fully customizable). In the example above a gradient fill was used, but any other bitmap is allowed as well.

To emphasize a certain area on a background you may convert desired area into grayscale format or...

... you may use brightness effects...

...or you simply invert this area. Please note that almost all LMD-Tools components which support Transparency support the TLMDBitmapEffect object as well.
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