| ElScrollBox |
ElScrollBox is an enhancement of standard TScrollBox component and adds XP Styles support, custom borders and custom background.
| ElGroupBox |
ElGroupBox replaces the standard TGroupBox and supports transparency, HTML caption and selective frame sides.
ElGroupBox component supports Unicode
This component is included in LMD ElPack/CLX
| ElRadioGroup |
ElRadioGroup replaces the standard TRadioGroup, and offers flat buttons style and transparency. Radio button text can be multiline and both radio button text and radiogroup caption can contain HTML formatting. Also, you can choose what sides of the frame rectangle are drawn
ElRadioGroup component supports Unicode
This component is included in LMD ElPack/CLX
| ElCheckGroup |
ElCheckGroup is a control similar to ElRadioGroup with the difference that it contains chekboxes and not radiobuttons. It offers flat buttons style and transparency. Checkbox text can be multiline and both checkbox text and checkbox group caption can contain HTML formatting. Also you can choose what sides of the frame rectangle are drawn
ElCheckGroup component supports Unicode
This component is included in LMD ElPack/CLX
| ElPanel |
ElPanel enhances standard VCL TPanel, offering the following features:
- user can move and resize the panel in run-time. The appropriate events are fired;
- custom backgound images and gradient backgrounds are possible;
- transparency is supported;
- you can define position of the panel's caption;
- using GrabHandles you can move/resize the panel and also move panel's parent control (for example a form);
- you can use a panel as a paint box - panel can be owner-drawn.
ElPanel component supports unicode.
This component is included in LMD ElPack/CLX
| ElHTMLPanel |
ElHTMLPanel is an ElPanel descendant with HTML support. It's caption can contain HTML-formatted text.
ElHTMLLabel component supports unicode.
| ElAdvancedPanel |
ElAdvancedPanel is an ElHTMLPanel descendant with caption area. It's main features include:
- HTML support for both main text and caption text;
- availability of Minimize (roll-up) and Close buttons;
- custom colors for both main part and caption of the panel;
- all benefits of ElPanel including custom background, support for ElImageForm etc.
ElAdvancedPanel component supports unicode.
| ElExplorerBar |
ElExplorerBar is an original component that is similar to the one found in Windows XP Explorer. It consists of one or more ElAdvancedPanels that can be expanded, collapsed or hidden. ElExplorerBar automatically orders the panels when one of them changes it's size. ElExplorerBar supports XP styles.
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