| ElTree |
ElTree is 100% native VCL replacement for ListView, TreeView, ListBox, CheckList, RadioGroup and any Custom Grid!
ElTree is a fully customizable visual component, that can represent virtually any type data (both in hierarchical and list forms). It is excellent for exploring databases, directory structures, registries, or any other type of data, that are built like a tree. You don't need to use the combination of TTreeView and TListView anymore - TElTree gives you all their power. ElTree is also very useful for building multi-columned list boxes, radio groups and CheckLists.
- complete Unicode support
- HTML formatting with hyperlinks and images in every cell
- right-to-left tree order support (Unique!!!)
- right-to-left text support (for Hebrew and Arabic languages)
- checkboxes and radiobuttons (both Windows and custom glyphs are supported).
- filtered displaying of items. Unique!!! You can set the item as hidden and it won't be displayed or (optionally) processed when selecting a range of items. This allows you to use just one control instead of several controls on the same place.
- additional columns for every item
- multiple selections
- custom background images (disabled in ElTree Lite)
- auto-sizing support. When the user double-clicks the resize area of the header section ElTree can resize the section according to the optimal width of the underlying column.
- customizable colors and fonts for every cell
- items of different height (disabled in ElTree Lite)
- (optional) non-scrollable column (disabled in ElTree Lite)
- button-like style for items. Every item is drawn as a button, and focused item is drawn like pushed button
- customizable drag'n'drop
- OLE drag'n'drop support (disabled in ElTree Lite)
- smart line hints
- item lookup (optional automatic lookup for every column)
- inplace editing for every cell (Unicode editing is not available in ElTree Lite)
- owner-drawn items and cells
- smart pictures displaying
- draggable and resizable columns
- filtering support (every header section can have a filter mark and fire an event when the mark is clicked)
- almost complete compatibility with TTreeView
- This component is included in LMD ElPack/CLX
| ElTreeStringGrid |
ElTreeStringGrid is a special sort of ElTree, that has the same properties, events and methods as TStringGrid does. And at the same time ElTreeStringGrid keeps all power of ElTree available.
ElTreeStringGrid component supports Unicode
| ElTrackBar |
ElTrackBar replaces TTrackBar and adds owner-draw support and greater flexibility in displaying and using the control.
| ElHeader |
ElHeader is the original header replacement. It's main features are:
- sections can be dragged and reordered completely transparently for the application;
- every section can be clickable or not;
- section can contain text with alignment or be owner-drawn;
- every section can have a sorting sign;
- section can be resizable or not;
- each section can be hidden;
- sections' size can be adjusted by double-click on section's right border;
- section can have multi-line caption, and also the single-line caption can be word-wrapped;
- sections can have sub-sections, which are hidden or shown automatically, when the user clicks an arrow in the section;
- sections support automatic lookup -- the combo box appears instead of the section, letting the user enter some text to be searched for.
ElHeader supports Unicode
This component is included in LMD ElPack/CLX
| ElToolBar |
ElToolBar replaces windows toolbars.
- ElToolbar offers easy control over buttons' properties. To change one property of the buttons, you change just one property of the toolbar.
- ElToolBar can be transparent, have custom background (gradient fill or bitmap). ElImageForm is also supported.
- ElToolBar can be easily moved by the user in run-time;
- ElToolBar buttons are descendants of ElPopupButton, offering the unique set of features;
- Changing the size of buttons (known as Large Buttons option) can be done in just one property change;
- ElToolBar supports a pull-down menu that appears to the right of the buttons when there is not enough space to put all buttons in a single-line toolbar;
- 32-bit images with AlphaBlending are supported on 32-bit displays.
ElToolbar component supports Unicode
This component is included in LMD ElPack/CLX
| ElPageControl |
ElPageControl is the original replacement for TPageControl. It's main features are:
- support for Tabs, 2D-Tabs, Angled (TTabSet-like) Tabs, Buttons, FlatButtons and .NET styles;
- possibility to turn borders on and off in ALL styles;
- possibility to show or hide tabs;
- support for ElImageForm;
- single-line mode is supported for Left and Right orientations (when tabs/buttons are aligned vertically);
- flat style for buttons/tabs and borders;
- customizable colors for pages, page control background and tab space;
- XP styles support for ALL tab positions(!)
- Horizontal text in vertical tabs
- optional Close button for every tab or only active tab
ElPageControl component supports Unicode
Read more
| ElScrollBar |
ElScrollBar replaces TScrollBar and has unique set of properties:
- optional flat and no-borders style;
- every part of scrollbar can be owner-drawn;
- blended or solid scroll field;
- automatically enabled/disabled arrows;
- secondary arrows with custom behavior;
- manual or automatic thumb size adjustment;
- (unique!) scroll hint. The hint that appears when the user drags the thumb;
- buttons can be hidden on one or both sides. This way you can use a scrollbar as a slider (TTrackControl replacement).
ElScrollbar component supports Unicode (in scroll hint)
This component is included in LMD ElPack/CLX
| ElStatusBar |
ElStatusBar is the replacement for standard windows status bar.
- every panel of the status bar can contain it's own control.
- panels can be resized in run-time;
- panels can have their own hints;
- panels can contain aligned text or be owner-drawn;
- panels have their own borders of different types;
- every panel text can have HTML formatting
ElStatusBar component supports Unicode
This component is included in LMD ElPack/CLX
| ElSplitter |
ElSplitter is a simple panel, that separates one control from another. ElSplitter can have sizing limits that don't allow the control to be shrinked more, than necessary. AutoSnap (When the control is being shrinked more than some limit, it's width or height is set to 0, "hiding it", and the user can always restore the size) is also supported. ElSplitter must be informed of the controls it splits. ElSplitter can have one or two snap buttons that automatically hide left or right side.
| ElCalendar |
ElCalendar is a calendar grid component that displays weekdays, optional week numbers. It can optionally mark holidays and show their names via a hint. You can also customize the appearance of caption, selected and today cells.
This component is included in LMD ElPack/CLX
| ElBiProgressBar |
ElBiProgressBar is an advanced progress bar component that supports two progress indicators. The indicators can be drawn with different colors or as 3d bars, can have text drawn over them.
| ElMainMenu |
ElMainMenu enhances TMainMenu component with Unicode support, Office XP and Windows XP styles.
| ElPopupMenu |
ElPopupMenu enhances TPopupMenu component with Unicode support, Office XP and Windows XP styles.
| ElSideBar |
ElSideBar is yet another implementation of the well-known OutlookBar. However ElSideBar is different from other similar components because it offers complete flexibility and power. You can make a section a placeholder for other controls using ElSideBar instead of PageControl or TNoteboook. You can change the look-and-feel of the control easily.
ElSideBar component supports unicode.
| ElClock |
ElClock is a descendant of TElPanel that shows time. You can set it to show time in any windows time zone. You can use a predefined format of the time string, or you can customize the time format as you like. ElClock can also work as a timer, counting time from zero. It can also function as a countdown, counting time from the specified seconds to zero and firing an event when done.
ElClock component supports unicode.
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