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Component overview

TLMDDBFilter TLMDDBFilter is a small component which adds a Filter-event to TDataSet class within Delphi 1. This feature is included in Delphi 2 and higher, therefore the component routes all funtionality to the corresponding dataset there. Use this control if you want to write same code for 16- and 32-bit programs.
TLMDDBRestoreGrid Using a TDBGrid component the enduser is usually able to resize and move columns within a datagrid . If you want to provide saving and restoring of these settings you should use this component (without writing any code). Can be linked to a TLMDIniCtrl component.
TLMDDBSimpleLabel Like TLMDSimpleLabel, can be connected to a TDataSource component. Besides the display of ordinary text you may use built in Hyperjump feature to jump to stored Internet URL's or execute email client by stored email address.
TLMDDBLabel Like TLMDLabel, can be connected to a TDataSource.
TLMDDBInformationLabel The TLMDDBInformationLabel is the database version of TLMDInformationLabel and has been designed to display current states or informations of a connected TDataSource component. Supported are e.g. Current/All recordnumber, fieldcount, modified or readonly state, recordsize and more. In addition all properties and formatting features of TLMDInformationLabel are available. Special support for TLMDStatusBar component is included.
TLMDDBGlyphInformationLabel The TLMDDBGlyphInformationLabel represents a special version of TLMDDBInformationLabel and is specialized on displaying the state of the current dataset. In addition all features of TLMDGlyphLabel are available.
TLMDDBLabelFill Like TLMDLabelFill, can be connected to a TDataSource.
TLMDDBGraphicLabel Like TLMDGraphicLabel, can be connected to a TDataSource.
TLMDDBSpinEdit Like TLMDGraphicLabel, can be connected to a TDataSource.
TLMDDBCheckBox Like TLMDCheckBox, can be connected to a TDataSource.
TLMDDBCheckGroup Like TLMDCheckGroup, can be connected to a TDataSource. Be aware that only 1 longint value is required to save up to 32 different states.
TLMDDBRadioGroup Like TLMDDBRadioGroup, can be connected to a TDataSource.
TLMDDBColorComboBox The datasensitive version of the TLMDColorComboBox. The selected color can be stored directly into a database field. The database field type must be integer type or it will not be accepted.
TLMDDBImageComboBox Like TLMDImageComboBox, can be connected to a TDataSource.
TLMDDBImageListBox Like TLMDImageListBox, can be connected to a TDataSource.
TLMDDBLEDLabel Like TLMDLEDLabel, can be connected to a TDataSource.
TLMDDBTrackBar Like TLMDTrackBar, can be connected to a TDataSource.
TLMDDBProgress Like TLMDProgress, can be connected to a TDataSource.
TLMDDBProgressFill Like TLMDProgressFill, can be connected to a TDataSource.
TLMDDBNImage Like TLMDNImage, can be connected to a TDataSource. Uses less resources than a TDBImage control.
TLMDDBShapeControl Like TLMDShapeControl, can be connected to a TDataSource.
TLMDDBShapeControl Like TLMDShapeLabel, can be connected to a TDataSource.
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