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Component overview

TLMDApplicationCtrl First of all this component allows property and event handler settings of the non visual global TApplication object at design- instead of runtime. Secondarily additional properties and events of the global TLMDApplication object are provided. The TLMDApplication object adds e.g. new methods for controlling logfiles, global exception handling, time measurement or a global TLMDIniCtrl-object which can be accessed from your application at any place.
TLMDTimerPool Use just one timer for various time-depending-purposes. Processing is controlled either by using a central event handler or by calling a user-defined method. This component helps you saving resources (especially in Windows 3.X).
TLMDIniCtrl The TLMDIniCtrl component is an easy to use but very powerful tool to control inifiles or registry settings in one single component. All methods are used in the same way on Inifiles or Registry-Path depending on the setting of one property. In addition several LMD-Tools components can be linked to a TLMDIniCtrl component for saving their configuration values without writing any sourcecode.
TLMDForm Extremely versatile tool which provides additional functionality to any of your forms like:- ability of receiving system-events (e.g. powermanagement messages, graphic-resolution or /system-time changes, etc.)
- controlling of window's position, max./min. height and width
- saving or restoring size and position values (can be linked to TLMDIniCtrl)
- addtional graphical effects (e.g. exploding effects while showing a form)
TLMDBack Nonvisual component supporting fast display of background images (even on MDI-forms). Must be linked to an Image- or BitmapList.
TLMDFormFill Fills your form (including MDI ones) very fast with a customizable background. You can select a gradient fill, various brush styles or any bitmao with attributes like tile, stretch or center. Can be linked to Image- or BitmapList components.
TLMDFormShadow This small component adds a shadow effect to any form. Simply drop the omponent on the form and set the Shadow property - That's all! The color and transparency effects a customizable.
TLMDFormStyler Amazingly change the look of your window's title bar. Use the gradient you know from the office-programs or use the 3D-fonts provided. You can even paint the title bar yourself using the additional ownerdraw event!
TLMDSysMenu This component allows manipulation of the system menu. You may add an ordinary TPopMenu to the system menu, inserting additional menuitems via an internal stringlist or removing standard entries like Move, Resize etc.
TLMDMRUList The TLMDMRUList component is an easy to use tool for adding MRU (most recently used)-filelists to any menuitem of your application. This component does almost all work for you and can be used even in MDI applications.
TLMDOneInstance Safeguards that only one instance of your application can be executed. The component offers several options and an additional action event.
TLMDSysInfo Provides system information like free resources, environment variables, registrated user- or company-names and more.
TLMDHint The TLMDHint component extends the standard hint windows. Provides multiline hints at designtime, any font or color and various 3D- and bevel-effects.
TLMDShapeHint In contrast with TLMDHint this component is no descendant of the standard-hint. It provides extended abilities like special shapes (e. g. bubble, ellipse), several shadow modes, free positioning and various font- and 3D-effects.
TLMDMessageHint Use this component to popup hint windows (as known from the TLMDShapeHint component) for displaying hint messages programmatically via methods at runtime.
TLMDFMDrop Let your form or any TWinControl descendant (e.g. TListBox) receive files easily per Drag&Drop from the filemanager or Explorer.
TLMDTrayIcon The TLMDTrayIcon component allows fast and easy creation of applications for the traybar within Windows 95/Windows NT 4 (and higher, WIN32 only).
TLMDGlobalHotKey Use the TLMDGlobalHotkey component to define systemwide global hotkeys (WIN32 only). The component even generates OnKeyDown events when your application is invisible or disabled.
TLMDHideNonVC This small but useful component allows to hide non visual components on your form.This feature is specially useful when dozens of TDataSources or TTables are used on one form. Nevertheless this component provides full access to all properties and editors of the hidden components.
TLMDMousePositioner Use the TLMDMousePositioner component to position the mousecursor relativ to any control, form or custom area.
TLMDMouseFencer Use the TLMDMouseFencer component to limit mouse movements to a certain control, form or custom area.
TLMDStarter Use the TLMDStarter component to execute applications or processes. Several start parameters and events are supported. In addition the exact time and date of the start process may be specified.
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