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Component overview

TLMDHiTimer The component represents an alternative to the Delphi-Timer. As it is interrupt controlled high resolution intervals of one millisecond are possible (contrary to TTimer).
TLMDWaveComp Easily encapsulates .WAV files in your program and your finished .EXE by saving sound files as form data.
TLMDRepeatedShape Displays geometrical shapes repeating themselves. Uses textures, gradients or brushes and shadow-effects. Suitable as background for graphical applications.
TLMDShapeControl Extends Delphi's standard TShape control adding various shapes (e. g. Star, Comb, Octagon, direction indicator) as well as special color-, bevel- and shadow-effects. Beyond that it contains almost all properties of TLMDLabel (3D-effects, rotating, etc.).
TLMDShapeLabel Extension of the TLMDShapeControl supporting additional fill options like textures, gradients and brushes. Text can be clipped into the shape.
TLMDTeethShape The TLMDTeethShape component offers frame effects at the edge of a document/form as seen in multimedia-applications or internet pages. In addition shadow and transparent effects are available.
TLMDTeethShapeLabel Like TLMDTeethShape component, but providing many additional fill-options. You can choose a gradient, any bitmap with attributes like tile, stretch and center or any brush style. Can be linked to a TLMDBitmapList- or TLMDImageList component.
TLMDShapeButton The TLMDShapeButton component unites the functionality of TLMDShapeControl and TLMDSpeedButton. Let your apps look more friendly!
TLMDShapeLabelButton The TLMDShapeButton component unites the functionality of TLMDShapeLabel and TLMDSpeedButton.
TLMDMMButton Any bitmap can be a button! Supports imagelists and transparent areas for really stunning effects. The component contains almost all features of the TLMD3DEffect button except that the buttonface is built up from different bitmaps of a TLMDImageList or TLMDBitmaplist. Up to nine different states are supported.
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