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Component overview

TLMDSpeedButton Extended replacement for TSpeedButton. Among other features additional texteffects (3D, rotation, free positionining, multiline text) and display of popup-menus were added. Supports up to 6 different styles (e.g. Win31, Win40, Office97 or flat display) and RepeatedClick feature. Button is linkable to Image- and BitmapList components as well (for sharing bitmap resources with other button components).
TLMDDockSpeedButton All features of TLMDSpeedButton. In addition 8 predefined glyphs (e.g. ellipsis, select directory, select font etc.) are provided and the button is "dockable" to other TWinControl descendants (e.g. TEdit - movement and size changes affect both controls at design- and runtime).
TLMDButton Extended replacement for TButton. Among other features additional texteffects (3D, rotation, free positionining, multiline text) and display of popup-menus were added. Besides repeated button clicks are supported (including customizable interval settings). Button is linkable to Image- and BitmapList components as well (for sharing bitmap resources with other button components).
TLMDDockButton All features of TLMDButton. In addition 8 predefined glyphs (e.g. ellipsis, select directory, select font etc.) are provided and the button is "dockable" to other TWinControl descendants (e.g. TEdit - movement and size changes affect both controls at design- and runtime).
TLMDSimpleLabel Fast label component providing 3D-effects and extended layout settings. Since version 3.5 this component supports additional hyperjump properties (jump to Internet URL, start email client, execute applications or custom actions).
TLMDLabel Extended replacement for TLabel. Among other features additional texteffects (3D, rotation, tracing, free positioning, multiline text) and a Bevel object (supporting various bevel settings) were added.
TLMDDockLabel Fast label component providing 3D-effects and extended layout settings. TLMDDockLabel is "dockable" to other TWinControl descendants (e.g. TEdit - movement and size changes affect both controls at design- and runtime).
TLMDGlyphLabel Fast label component providing 3D-effects and extended layout settings. In addition TLMDGlyphLabel is linkable to Image- and BitmapList components for displaying graphics beside the caption.
TLMDInformationLabel Fast label component providing 3D-effects and extended layout settings. In addition one of more than two dozens of system information settings can be displayed by setting simply one property (e.g. current username, state of NUM/CAPS/SCROLL keys, memory settings, customizable date/time formats). Besides special tab settings, support for different measurement units and a full featured Bevel object are available.
TLMDSimplePanel Fast panel (including full Bevel object) without caption with special support for LMD button classes. Besides a Transparent property is available when component is placed on TLMDBackPanel or TLMDGroupBox components.
TLMDBackPanel Descendant of TLMDSimplePanel which is specialized on fast display of background images and support of real transparent LMD controls (e.g. TLMDSpeedButton, TLMDAniCtrl) or rather semitransparent controls (TLMDCheckBox, TLMDRadioButton). Besides this component may be displayed transparent when placed on TLMDGroupBox or again on TLMDBackPanel. Must be linked to an Image- or BitmapList component.
TLMDDrawEdge Draw 3D- lines, boxes and diagonals using the fast Win32-API-function DrawEdge. Also available for 16bit-platforms!
TLMDProgress Appealing process-display that supports different customizable modes. This component was optimized in speed and is even faster than the WIN32 built in progress bar.
TLMDSpinEdit Improved replacement for TSpinEdit component, providing much better look and support for unit strings. Customizable interval settings for repeated clicks.
TLMDGroupBox Improved replacement of TGroupBox. This component supports a full Bevel object, free positioning of caption (even vertical!) and transparent display ( when placed on TLMDBackPanel or again on a TLMDGroupBox component). May be be linked to an Image- or BitmapList component.
TLMDCheckBox Improved replacement of TCheckBox. Supports various 3D-font and layout settings. Customizable picture settings for all states (checkbox may be a two- or three state one). May be linked to an ImageList- or BitmapList component. Transparent display (when placed on TLMDBackPanel or TLMDGroupBox) possible.
TLMDRadioButton Improved replacement of TRadioButton. Supports various 3D-font and layout settings. Customizable picture settings for both states. May be linked to an ImageList- or BitmapList component. Transparent display (when placed on TLMDBackPanel or TLMDGroupBox) possible.
TLMDRadioGroup Improved replacement of TRadioGroup. This component supports a full Bevel object, free positioning of caption (even vertical!) and transparent display ( when placed on TLMDBackPanel or TLMDGroupBox component). Customizable picture settings for both states of single RadioButtons. May be be linked to an Image- or BitmapList component.
TLMDCheckGroup Like TLMDRadioGroup but supporting TLMDCheckBox components instead of TLMDRadioButtons. The component supports up to 32 different entries. As special feature states of all entries can be retrieved or set by a single LongInt property. Customizable picture settings for both supported states of single TLMDCheckBoxes. May be be linked to an Image- or BitmapList component.
TLMDListBox Extended listbox supporting additional bevel-, header- and multiline-properties. Columns can be resized at runtime (different columns are achived by using a delimiter character).
TLMDImageComboBox Extended TComboBox which can be linked to an ImageList or BitmapList component for displaying graphics easily. In addtion 3D-font and extended layout settings are supported for each entry in the list.
TLMDImageListBox Extended TListBox which can be linked to an ImageList or BitmapList component for displaying graphics easily. In addtion 3D-font and extended layout settings are supported for each entry in the list. Transparent display is supported when placed on TLMDBackPanel or TLMDGroupBox components.
TLMDColorComboBox Special combobox for selecting color values. Supports standard-, system- and custom colors. Offers additional options like extended colordialog for userdefined color settings. Custom color settings can bes shared with other ColorComboBoxes.
TLMDFontComboBox Special combobox for selecting font names. Type of available fonts in the list can be specified by several options. Supports preview mode.
TLMDFontSizeComboBox Use this component in connection with TLMDFontComboBox. Linked to a TLMDFontComboBox component possible font sizes of the current selected font are returned and can be selected by the enduser.
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