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Customization components
DB-aware controls are much like regular controls except that db-aware versions are bound to dataset fields and records, so they can be used to update the dataset directly.
- ElDBTree - DB-aware version of ElTree, sophisticated Tree control;
- ElDBTreeStringGrid - DB-aware version of ElTreeStringGrid, a control that combines functionality of ElDBTree and ElTreeStringGrid;
- ElDBListBox - DB-aware version of ElAdvancedListBox, advanced listbox wil customizable look-and-feel, horizontal scrolling, line hints etc.;
- ElDBComboBox - DB-aware version of ElAdvancedComboBox, advanced combo box with customizable look-and-feel, custom combo button and more...;
- ElDBEdit - DB-aware version of ElMaskEdit;
- ElDBMemo - DB-aware version of ElAdvancedMemo;
- ElWideDBEdit - single-line DB-aware edit control, descendant of ElEdit, which supports Unicode fields;
- ElWideDBMemo - multi-line DB-aware edit control, descendant of ElEdit, which supports Unicode fields;
- ElDBLookupListBox - DB-aware version of ElAdvancedListBox, with standard VCL DB lookup functionality and extras added by ElAdvancedListBox;
- ElDBLookupComboBox - DB-aware version of ElAdvancedComboBox, with standard VCL DB lookup functionality and extras added by ElAdvancedComboBox;
- ElWideDBLookupListBox - DB-aware version of ElListBox, with standard VCL DB lookup functionality and support for Unicode fields;
- ElWideDBLookupComboBox - DB-aware version of ElComboBox, with standard VCL DB lookup functionality and support for Unicode fields;
- ElDBCheckBox - DB-aware version of ElDBCheckBox -- original VCL replacement for Windows checkbox that supports custom glyphs, background images and transaprency, multi-line captions and much more;
- ElDBRadioGroup - DB-aware version of ElRadioGroup -- original VCL replacement for TRadioGroup that supports custom glyphs, background images and transaprency, multi-line captions and much more;
- ElDBCurrencyEdit - DB-aware version of ElCurrencyEdit -- original component for input of currency values, that supports additional buttons, custom borders, system or custom currency sign etc.;
- ElDBDateTimePicker - DB-aware version of ElDateTimePicker -- original component for sleection of date and time values;
- ElDBSpinEdit - DB-aware version of ElSpinEdit -- original component for easy input of integer values;
- ElFloatSpinEdit - DB-aware version of ElFloatSpinEdit -- original component for easy input of floating-point values;
- ElDBButtonEdit - DB-aware version of ElButtonEdit -- edit control with additional buttons
- ElDBLabel - DB-aware version of Elphp3Label -- simple label with support of php3 formatted text and support for Unicode fields;
- ElDBphp3View - DB-aware version of Elphp3View -- original component for browsing php3 formatted text with support for Unicode fields;
- ElDBNavigator - a descendant of ElToolbar that can contain a set of predefined buttons with glyphs, that perform predefined DB-related actions like navigation in the date source or adding/deleting a record;
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