You find a full list of all controls and to which package they belong in the technical data sheet.
This section describes control and components groups in more detail. LMD ElPack consists of several groups of components:
Shell components. These are shell versions of original LMD ElPack components. They display shell namespace in different aspects. Also there are "Browse For Folder" dialog and tray components there;
Dialogs. Some of them have VCL analogues, and some are original.
DB controls. These are DB-aware versions of original LMD ElPack components.
ElTree inplace editors. ElTree has unique pluggable inplace editing architecture that uses external inplace editors. Inplace editors are based on both VCL and LMD ElPack controls.
OLE drag'n'drop helpers. ElDragDrop and ElDropTarget components be used to organize OLE drag'n'drop support in easy way.
Tree print and markup language export components. These controls let you print ElTree contents and export them to XML, HTML, CVS, text etc.